Thursday, May 29, 2008

May 29th

Ashley has continued to build strength in her legs. She has certainly gotten past the point where she is merely controlling the tone in her legs. She is now exerting more control over her knees and will stand up straight when asked. While we still use her standing frame which she can stay in comfortably for over a half hour, we are finding whenever we transfer Ashley from one spot to another (i.e. her chair to a sofa) we are standing with her longer and merely providing balance.

We are waiting to get an email of some video from a therapist that shows Ashley ‘walking’ with the aid of other therapists. If we can figure out a way to post it to the blog we will do so. It will certainly bring cheers from the viewers.

Ashley ran a slight temperature for a couple days last week and was a little sluggish because of it, but she did not require a doctor’s visit and seems just fine. As such I think we can still say Ashley has been illness free since being home. That is very significant since illnesses during her inpatient stays would negatively affect her progress.

In late May you wouldn’t think this would be an issue, but it has; and that is getting out for more walks. It has been cooler than normal (hopefully a trend that is ending) and we haven’t spent as much time outside. That doesn’t mean Ashley has not been outside. Over the holiday weekend Ashley took to a lawn lounger and supervised our yard work. We just thought it we would be having family dinners each night in the screened in porch and making more laps around the neighborhood by now.

Ashley continues to enjoy visits from her friends and her most active blog commenter, Emily is reading a novel to Ashley on her visits. During a therapy session that topic came up and a therapist said she had read the book, but forgot the name of the female lead character. No problem; she was able to get Ashley to tell her by going through the alphabet.

Monday, May 19, 2008

May 19th

Where's the update?

The editor did not file a posting last week, but it didn't have anything to do with a lack of good news to share.

During the week of the 12th. many of Ashley's friends began returning home from school and she had several visits. Each one was uplifting for Ashley. A couple of her classmates from St. Marys made detours on their way home just to see Ashley. The combination of friends and being outside more often are perhaps the best medicine for Ashley.

Perhaps the contacts with her friends had a role in the latest milestone for Ashley. In the past two weeks Ashley has steadily increased her control over her legs for standing. In the past when it came to transferring Ashley from one location to another it required the person doing the transfer to 'lift' her to make the move. Now, the vast majority of the time. Ashley is bearing that weight on her legs by herself. Many times when we ask her to stand we are doing little more than providing her with balance support.

Last Friday the therapist decided it was time for Ashley to take her first controlled walk. She was aided to the parallel bars (set at just above waist height) and the therapists patterned Ashley, physically moving her legs while Ashley did the lion's share of supporting her weight. They moved Ashley, one step at a time for a total of 14 steps!

It may be quite some time before Ashley can take those steps on her own, but it is beyond description to express the joy we felt at seeing Ashley accomplish this major improvement.

We continue to encounter more individuals, families and groups that tell us that they are praying for Ashley and our family. We know that it is this support that keeps Ashley's attitude positive and gives us the strength to she her through her recovery.

All of you keep that beautiful smile on Ashley's face!

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5th

Spring has sprung and Ashley is enjoying getting outside. In fact the latest picture posted to the blog shows Ashley watering flowers in front yard.

Last Thursday was an event filled day for Ashley and our family.

Ashley’s grade school held an in-school carnival with the proceeds being donated to Ashley’s medical expenses. The large gym was full of activities and Ashley was all smiles as we observed the students playing the different games and taking part in the various activities. The love and enthusiasm that was shown to us by the students is indescribable. Ashley was all smiles and was waving repeatedly as she was greeted by several classes.

Immediately following our visit to St. Vincent’s we were on the road for the short trip to Ashley’s high school, Bishop Dwenger. Following their May Crowning service we were presented with a donation along with other families having Dwenger ties to assist with medical expenses. The proceeds came from a talent show that was organized by the student council. Needless to say we are proud that Ashley is a graduate from, and Austin is a student of this outstanding school.

Both of these events are the latest examples that humble us and reinforce the love and support we are blessed with. We are grateful to all the students and faculty at both schools who coordinated and participated in these events.

Oh and by the way, Ashley still put in her three hours of therapy that afternoon!

Speaking of therapy Ashley, as you all know continues to maintain her positive motivation. We are noticing that when we transfer Ashley and stand her up she is often times doing the standing herself with the ‘attendant’ serving more as a balance assist than actually lifting Ashley. She is knows the step in doing a transfer and more often than not she is able to kick in the toning of her leg muscles to stand up.

Many of Ashley’s friends will be wrapping up school soon. She is looking forward to visits and activities with her friends. We know that will provide her with more encouragement and maintain her positive outlook.