Wednesday, June 30, 2010

3 Years

It has now been three years since Ashley was suddenly and unexpectedly struck with ADEM Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. Since then her recovery has been slow, but Ashley continues to show signs that she will not give up.

>Although she has yet to find her voice there are more sounds and an increase in the letters and even words being mouthed.

>Based on her improved ability to go both up and down stairs Ashley is sleeping in her own bed almost every night now.

>Pureed foods are still necessary, but Ashley is able to chew and can even use her left arm to place foods in her mouth. Her right arm still has a lot of tone but she is able to move her fingers and arm. Since being home Ashley has maintained a healthy weight within just a few pounds. She is the healthiest eater in the house.

>Orally consuming liquids is still a work in progress, but there has been a lot of progress. Ashley is typically drinking over 36 ounces a day and now rarely coughs or chokes.

>The affects of ADEM make it hard for Ashley to focus for reading, but she has become a big fan of audio books. Each day going to and from therapy she is listening to an audio book. She listens to a range of categories. Nickolas Sparks ranks high as her favorite author.

>Keeping up on current events is also important to Ashley. She likes to watch the local and national news and we discuss various topics.

>Ashley has not wavered in her faith. Just try to begin a meal with her before saying grace and you will get a scornful look from her. At mass she is able to receive the Eucharist.

>At night she still is wearing Ankle/Foot Orthotics (AFOs) so she needs assistance turning, but Ashley can sit up in bed and when her AFOs are off she can swing her legs to the side of the bed. At that point she only needs balance assistance to stand up. Her muscle tone continues to improve.

>Ashley is a good hugger and is now puckering up for kisses. Of course she still has her award winning smile which melts everyone that comes in contact with her.

Throughout her life Ashley has set goals and worked hard to achieve them. She also knows that she is the source of inspiration to so many others. Giving up has never been an option. Ashley has adapted and continues to strive for every milestone. Each time she reaches one and receives affirmation her beaming face is reflection of God’s love and Ashley saying, “It is not just me, it is everyone that has prayed for me that can share in this and each victorious step I make in my recovery.”

So what has Ashley been up to the last two months? Given the beautiful weather we have had most weekends there have been several trips to the lake to visit with the grandparents and other relatives. Last weekend she saw her first 3D movie, Toy Story 3. Given all the coming attactions that were also in 3D it looks like this format will soon be the standard. At least the glasses are stylish.
A boat ride with mom on Mother's Day.

Dad gets a hug on Father's Day.

Soaking up that vitamin D and summoning the lotion boy's stand in, Austin Miles for some more block out at the lake.

Don't disrupt Ashley while she is getting caught up on the day's news. She is the go to person for what's going on.

Hanging out with Grandpa, dad and cousin Alex (he is kneeling).

On behalf of Ashley and our family, thank you for all your support. We pray that God provides you with the blessings of love we have felt and that your summer is full of sunny days.