Monday, June 30, 2008

One Year...

It was on this date last year when we last heard Ashley speak to us. We had no idea what laid ahead following that call at 4:30 am. Her speech was labored, she complained she could not sleep and had a tingling sensation in her arms and hands. While we were anxious and quite concerned we assumed she was just exhausted from her trip out to Virginia and was dealing with some insomnia. We thought she would go into the emergency room and they would determine she just needed something to help her sleep for a few hours and then she would return to enjoying her trip. Of course it did not turn out that way.

We don’t know what caused Ashley’s demyelization. What we do know is that Ashley fights everyday to recover. Her ability to maintain a positive attitude a year later boarders on miraculous. While we hoped and prayed that Ashley would be walking and talking at this point we are thankful for the Ashley we have today.

She is making continuous strides. Ashley can communicate to us with her arm to indicate a yes answer. She is able to support her weight when standing. She comprehends conversations. Her long-term and short-term memory is strong. She responds to requests with movements immediately. She looks to the person speaking to her. She smiles and laughs significantly more than she shows sadness.

Most importantly she has the motivation to continue to make improvements. We all know that she will reach many more milestones.

Ashley could not have done this all on her own. We cannot begin to thank everyone that has played a major role in her recovery. Quite frankly we don’t even know the majority of the people that are supporting and praying for Ashley. She has lived her faith based life in a manor that has drawn admiration and respect. Her giving and caring attitude has now been transformed into receiving love and care.

On behalf of Ashley, Thank you and God bless you!

Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16th

Ashley was a bit under the weather at the end of last week. She never ran a high temperature but she was feeling blue Wednesday through Friday. We don’t know what it was, but we are happy to report that she bounced back on Saturday. Ashley stayed home from therapy on Friday. The only other time she has missed therapy since being home has been once for snow.

I guess we can no longer say Ashley has not been sick since being home. Of course being sick once in the last 5 months is nothing compared to the number of infections and random bugs she had to fight off during her six months of in-patient status.

Over the weekend we got out to inspect the new grade level curbs that have been installed in the neighborhood. They all met our approval, and will make it much easier to get around. We took advantage of the beautiful weather to do just that. We also got back in the pool with Ashley on both Saturday and Sunday. She floated around and you could tell she was in her element.

We also took advantage of Ashley feeling better on the weekend to use the pedal machine for both her arms and legs. She showed a bit of frustration when she tried to coordinate her pedaling, but she also exhibited her drive. At one point when we asked if she wanted to stop she would not answer. When we asked if she wanted to keep trying we get a quick positive response. Ashley wants to succeed and she is willing to fight for it.

Right now Ashley is listening to three books and enjoying them all. Emily is reading “Twilight” on her visits. In speech she is listening to “The Great Gatsby” and we are reading her “One for the Money” sent to us by Ashley’s St. Mary’s roommate’s mother. Ashley is enjoying all three and is able to answer questions about all of them showing that her cognitive ability is as strong as ever.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12th

Where to begin on this update…

Ashley got back in the neighbor’s pool this weekend and this time we actually walked, or perhaps the better word is, glided around with Ashley in the shallow end. Then, much to Ashley’s delight we supported her while she floated on her back.

Last Friday Ashley’s grandparents came in to see her during therapy sessions. They used our digital camera to film Ashley walking with the assistance of Mom and the therapists. Once I get the time to figure out how to post that to You Tube and create a link to the blog I will do so. Mind you, the video quality of our digital camera is not the greatest, but it will give you an idea of where Ashley is at in her ability to support her weight for a period of time.

We have another tool at the house for Ashley to work with. It is a therapy cycle. Not a bicycle, but rather a system that can be placed on either the floor, or a table so she can use her feet or arms to pedal. Ashley really enjoyed using a similar system when she was in Chicago. She is excited to continue work in this. It will take time for her to coordinate the movement (she tends to push with both arms or legs verses getting into the rhythm of pedaling) but she did it for a single revolution with both her arms and legs during her first workout with it. We will keep you posted on her progress.

Yesterday we took a walk in the neighborhood to inspect the latest construction project. Flush curbs are being installed at every intersection this week. By the end of the week we will be able to cross any street in the hood without jostling Ashley about.

In therapy this week they placed Ashley on a large ball to support her while they had her on her hands and knees. Then they removed the ball. Other than supporting her right arm Ashley was able to support her weight and stay in position. This is something that she has not done since being struck with ADEM eleven months ago.

All these new activities reinforce our confidence that Ashley will continue to make progress in her recovery. We can’t wait for the day when Ashley is the one doing the blog updates!

Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2nd

It took eleven months but Ashley finally got back in the pool!

On Saturday Ashley took a 'dip' in the Markley's pool. As you can see from the posted picture she sat on a step and got to feel the sensation of pool water on her legs for the first time in too long.

We won't be venturing further into the pool until after she has a chance to use the therapy pool and we get feedback from the therapists. Even so, just being able to sit in a swim suit and feel that water on her legs made Ashley's weekend. Since she was eight years old she never spend more than a month away from the pool.

This was just the start we are looking forward to Ashley moving her legs and getting a renewed fell for the water. We are confident that it will be a positive step in her therapy.