Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3rd

August was a wonderful month for Ashley.

There was a trip to the lake. She supervised Austin Miles' move into his Bloomington apartment. Multiple visit from friends. Ashley continued to make great strides in her recovery as well. During the entire month of August she took all her hydration orally. At times Ashley has been able to hold a glass and sip through a straw without any assistance.

Ashley offering Austin Miles some decorating tips for his apartment

During a check up with her doctor last week it was decided that if this wonderful advancement stays on track Ashley will have a swallow study in October. We expect that to have positive results and for her feeding tube to be removed shortly after.

Ashley continues to make progress fighting the tone she has in her right arm. It is still a struggle, but is insisting on using it more and we are happy to assist.

Although Ashely amazes everyone with her unwavering spirit and motivation it seems like a second wind kicked in during August. She didn't seem to tire as often as she worked at tasks. In fact she has been pushing us to extend the therapy regimens we do at home. When she is on the exercise mat at home she is doing leg lifts and stretching with vigor. She is truly pushing herself and she is seeing positive results.

Ashley with some of her cousins during the family reunion at Big Lake

Here's a first. During the Slater family reunion Ashley's Aunt Jill got a three-wheel bike for her birthday. Below you see Ashley on the bike. It was more than a mere photo op. Ashley pedaled and even in the grass was able to go a good distance.

We are excited to see the progress Ashley will display in September. We will be making a trip down to one of the IU games to visit with Austin Miles and now Ashley has two friends that have just started grad school at IU. Hopefully they will be able to pull away from their studies for awhile and tailgate with Ashley.

October is another month that has us energized. We will be making our third trip to Victory Junction Gang Camp ( ) in North Carolina (hopefully hurricane Earl doesn't have a cousin planning to drop by). This will be a weekend event so we will be packing a lot of activity into a short period of time. Ashley will be seeing some 'old' friends and we will be meeting new ones that we have only had contact with via the phone and internet. Victory Junction is a magical place because it facilitates the gathering of those with a common bond.

We are so fortunate to have the Transverse Myelitis Association ( ) fellow members for support. It is awesome to experience the camaraderie that developes between those that suffer from the affects of demyelinating conditions as well as their families and the fantasitic group of doctors that have devoted so much time, understanding and love to help.

We hope your summer has been as blessed as ours. Your continued prayers have certainly played a role in making it so. As we head into the fall Ashley and the rest of us will continue to offer prayers of thanks for all that you have meant to us as we continue along our journey. God bless you!