Saturday, June 29, 2013

Six Years

Let’s take a look at what Ashley has been up to the first half of this year…

Ashley is still going to Lutheran for voice therapy five days a week.  She continues to make slow but steady progress in getting her voice back.  Her focus is on breathing to get her diaphragm stronger.

Ashley is now going to Turnstone for physical and occupational therapy.  She is only going two days a week, but she is excited to capitalize on the change and continue to make progress.

After more than five years working with many of the same therapists it was emotional to change, but Ashley still gets to see her old therapists since she still goes to Lutheran for voice therapy.

Part of the marked progress Ashley has made has been walking with a walker.  Before transitioning from Lutheran Ashley walked more than 150 feet without assistance or stopping using the walker.

Ashley continues to improve maneuvering around the house with her walker.
Ashley continues to stay in touch with her friends.  Visiting with Holly and Adrienne.

Ashley read ‘Dog Days’ by Barbara Satler this winter.  We met Barbara at Victory Junction.  Barbara has Transverse Myelitis and is very involved in TMA.  She combined her experience as a former judge and her love of animals in writing her first novel.  She is working on her second book and we are anxiously awaiting its release.

In May we ventured down to Bloomington to watch brother Miles graduate with honors from Indiana University.  Ashley is excited that her brother will be moving home to being his career now that his training in Indianapolis is complete.

Since baptism, a month after being born, Ashley has been a member of Saint Vincent’s Church in Fort Wayne.  Ashley went to grade school and junior high at St. Vincents (mom was her junior high religion teacher) and her strong faith has been nurtured in this wonderful parish.

Monsignor John Kuzmich has been the pastor for 29 years.  He retired this week and before leaving Fort Wayne he paid us a visit.  He gave Ashley a blessing, said Mass and gave us communion.  After words he gave Ashley a statue of Mary.

Monsigner John built our parish into the wonderful community that has provided us with so much support.  We will never be able to express how truly blessed we have been to have so much love and prayer poured upon us.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank, and will keep Monsigner John in our prayers. 

This weekend we attended the graduation party of Cameron Tripp.  Cameron is the son of Renee Sherwood Tripp (the ghostwriter’s cousin).  All of the Sherwoods and all of the Harringtons were there. 
Ashley is pictured here with her Great Aunt Donna who has ALS (Lou Gerhig’s Disease).  They have a special bond since, among all of us, only the two of them fully understand what it is like to have your abilities robbed by a neurological condition.

Although Ashley will continue to work hard all summer she will find time to wander next door and take advantage of the Markley’s pool. 
Pool time is guaranteed to put that famous smile on Ashley’s face.
In about a month we will be going back to the Center for Courageous Kids in southern Kentucky for the Transverse Myelitis Association camp.  It will be a time to catch up with friends and to learn the latest in the advancing research on demyelinating conditions.

Ashley appreciates all the prayers you offer up for her.  She feels the power of those prayers and she, along with all of her family, thank God for you!

P.S. Thanks for the flowers Emily!