Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Four Years

No, neither Ashley or her ghostwriter were abducted by aliens. Ashley finally laid down the law today and made it clear there must be an update.

Today marks four years since we last heard a full sentence from Ashley. At times recovery seems painfully slow, but alternative is unthinkable. Ashley does continue to make progress. Each 90 days her progress is evaluated to justify ongoing therapy. She is still going to physical, occupational and speech therapy every weekday. Her progress, although slow, is sufficient to justify the continued aggressive therapy schedule.

An individual Ashley met at therapy has donated Ashley a therapy table that now sits in our family room. This 5’x7’ padded table makes it much easier for her to stretch out and move around. Ashley is able to go from her stomach to being on all fours and then raise herself up on her knees without any assistance.

Ashley also has a new wheelchair that is more portable than her original chair. It is also at a height that allow her to use her feet to move herself around in a room.

I’m pleased to announce that my favorite father’s day gift was watching Ashley reach for and pick up a cracker… with her right hand! While Ashley has progressed to the point that she can eat and drink using her left hand the tone in her right arm prevented doing the same. While there is still significant tone in that arm Ashley is showing an increased range of motion with it. Being able to open her fingers and grab something was an exciting milestone.

Many of you know that Ashley was passionate about doing volunteer work. About a year ago Mary told me that Ashley was feeling blue and communicated to her that she missed doing volunteer work. This past April following therapy Ashley and Mary decided to shop at the ‘baby boutique’ at Lutheran Hospital. While there they ran into the director of the Hope House (which is similar to Ronald McDonald House providing lodging for families that have traveled to be with a hospitalized family member). A conversation led to Ashley being asked if she would like to volunteer at the shop (part of the proceeds benefit Hope House). In July Ashley will start working an hour each week.

In speech therapy Ashley’s therapist have set up her communication PC to ‘speak’ typical statements/questions that are likely to occur when Ashley interacts with a customer (she will be partnering with another volunteer). Needless to say Ashley is very excited about returning to volunteer work and giving back.

In early July Ashley will be seeing an Otolaryngologist (think larynx) to evaluate the potential non-neurological impediments to Ashley’s speech. Ashley is increasing the letters and words she can say but it still remains difficult for her to speak and the words are very soft and hard to distinguish. Our hope is that muscles that have been dormant for the last four years can be reinvigorated to improve Ashley’s ability to talk. We ask that you focus your prayers on the success of this approach in assisting Ashley’s recovery.

While Ashley has not been jet-setting since her trip to Florida earlier this year she has been staying busy. Including a weekend in Canada during brother Miles spring break.

Warm weather also means pool time and trips to the lake to visit with the grandparents.
We have to breakout Ashley's new three-wheel bike soon. She does well on the stationary bike but it is time to move!
She has had several visits with friends and last weekend attended the wedding of high school friends. (Ashley would like to again congratulate Meredith and Greg).

We have learned several things in the last four years. Some of those are…

We are surrounded by loving people that continue to pray for us and are such a source of uplifting encouragement.

Ashley is determined, and her focus and hard work to recover have never wavered.

We don’t know why this happened but we have kept our faith and each time we feel in a slump ‘something’ happens that reminds us of the many blessings we have experienced and shines a new light on the path we are traveling.

On behalf of Ashley and all of our family, a heartfelt thank you for your love and prayers!