Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 16th

Another milestone for Ashley.

As followers of the blog know we have assisted Ashley on several occasions in her efforts to walk up the steps to see her bedroom. Well, two weekends ago she did so well we decided that she could sleep in her own bed for the first time in nearly two years!

She slept upstairs both Friday and Saturday night. Our plan now is for Ashley to sleep upstairs each weekend. This past weekend she showed us her motivation. Normally Ashley takes a step up and then brings the second foot up to the step she just reached with the other foot. Well this time, on about half the steps, she took a new step with each foot.

Quite frankly Ashley consistently takes better steps when going up stairs then when on a level surface. Getting to her own bed appears to be quite the motivation.

Ashley is also improving on going down the steps. She is getting use to bending the knee of the leg that is staying in place on the upper step so her other foot can reach down to the next step.

We are certainly seeing the time coming when Ashley will move upstairs permanently.

In the continuous efforts to improve Ashley’s balance and walking she is now wearing an advanced pair of Ankle-Foot Orthotic boots (AFOs) at night. These are hinged and spring loaded to apply continuous pressure on her Achilles tendons. In addition she is wearing knee immobilizers to keep her legs straight while in bed (those blue foam pieces held together with velco that you see on someone who just had knee surgery.

You know that summer has arrived when it is time to dash next door and take advantage of the Markley’s pool. What a change from last year. Back then we would place Ashley’s wheel chair near the pool while placing a pool chair at the corner of the pool. We would transfer her from the wheelchair to the pool chair. The next step was to have two people lift the pool chair and set it about two feet from the pool’s edge at the steps. We would place a towel on the ground and lift Ashley from the chair and set her on the towel with her feet now in the water. We would then lift her and lower her step by step until she was sitting at a level that was comfortable.

This year? Ashley lifts herself out of her chair with minimal assistance. With balance support she walks to the pool and steps in and down to the step she wants. Of course we don’t just sit there; she walks, and most enjoyably, floats in the pool. Since Ashley has pool therapy once to four times a month she is no stranger to the pool, but next door it is relaxation time not work time.

In therapy this week Ashley stood behind her wheel chair with her left hand holding it for support. Her therapist was right there, but was not supporting her in any way. So how long did Ashley stand without starting to waver? More than three minutes.

On the nutrition front Ashley is not missing a beat. Now with berries coming into season she is requesting that fresh fruit often and enjoying every bite. Progress on drinking is slow, but is progressing. Each week Ashley is improving on fighting gravity and swallowing more sips.

It looks like Thursday night is going to be friends’ night this summer. Although many of Ashley’s friends are scatter about doing internships or attending summer semester out of the country she still has a dedicated group that want to hang out with her. Obviously Ashley chose her friends well.

We have a road trip coming up soon for Austin’s orientation at Indiana University. Ashley will be going with us and checking out the campus. We have also received confirmation that we will be able to attend the Transverse Myelitis week at Victory Junction in North Carolina in mid August.


Anonymous said...

You are doing great! Each week you are showing amazing progress. I am so proud of you.
Hey, Austin, you made a super choice in IU. You will love it and the educations part is pretty good too! I can't believe you are already in college!
God bless you all,
E. Martin

Anonymous said...


Hello, darling! I have missed you greatly. It's been so long since we've had a chat. Normally we do a lot of catching up in the summer, but with me down in West Lafayette and you busy as ever, those chats aren't nearly as frequent as I'd like. I would have to say that not getting to see you is one of the top biggest regrets of taking a job in WL. Boo, jobs! :)

When your dad told me about you walking up the stairs and sleeping in your own bed, I was too happy for words. Ashley, my love, you rendered me speechless. And you know that's not an easy task. You are literally (not just figuratively!) making such impressive strides. You are amazing.

Even if it wasn't incredibly impressive enough to walk around in the pool and not have to do chair-switching, my happiness over you being back at home in the water is absolute. Let's hear it for swimming and beloved pastimes! Woo!

I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to see you.

Keep it up, keep it up! Walk, Talk, Eat!



PS. Enjoy Marley! Whenever you hear "Marley," think "Tank" because they are pretty much one and the same!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Ashley! Keep fighting!
The Witte's

Anonymous said...

Hello Ashley my love and and the rest of you Amazing Harringtons,

It seems like quite a long time since I've had the opportunity to write! Lots and lots going on with Lauren's graduation and all that goes along with it!!! You sound like you have been a very busy girl as well and I must say You looked absolutely beautiful at both the baccalaurete mass and Austin's graduation at the Embassy!Lauren put the beautiful picture I took of you and Austin and her in her senior photo album!!! Your personal shopper, hairstylist and manicurist is doing a fabulous job!Every time I see you you look even more amazing than the last time.
so glad you are able to get out of the house in between therapy sessions and enjoy your neighbors pool!!! Nothing like a backyard pool and some warm sunshine to make your day!!! Now all you need is a pina colada in your hand and you will be all set!!! All kidding aside miss Ashley, you are surprising all of us with your ability to climb those stairs to your bedroom!!! How proud you must be of yourself as well!!! Be it ever so humble there's no place like your very own bed!!!! Holly has been enjoying her trip to Myrtle Beach!!! She will be home on Friday night and will have a few hours to sleep and then she is already packed and ready to leave early the next morning for camp WHATCHA WANNA DO for another whole week!!!! Holly and Camping.... This should be Good!!!!Ha Ha She will be working as a Counselor with children of all ages afflicted with CANCER!!! this will be an eye opening experience and also one Holly is sure to never forget!!! She has such a big heart and will be such a good friend to so many of the children there!!! She will have so much to share with you when she gets back to the FORT!!! Lauren had a great graduation party!! She invited the entire Show choir and the band and all of the show choir families!! We had her party at Goegleins so that the kids could dance!! there were 150 people there so we couldn't possibly feed and entertain all of those bodies in our backyard!!! Hard to believe it's all over but for the Thankyou writing!!! Ha ha! Well Sweetheart Please know that you are being thought of this evening!!! In fact i think of you every time I set foot into Hollys room!! She still has that beautiful picture of the two of you framed on her desk!!!She loves you tremendously Dear Ashley!!! God's blessing to you and your family!!! Have fun in Bloomington!! Lauren's Registration day is next week as well so we will be heading to PURDUE for the day!!!! xoxoxoxo
Claudia and gang!!!
Lauren also returned from a weekend of camping near Bloomington at Lake Monroe!!! She went with her adorable boyfriend Jake and his whole family and a few other of their friends!! Lauren is my outdoorsey child!!! She loved the tubing and campfire and sleeping under the stars!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ashley!

More trips upstairs to your own bed - how wonderful! We know that is one comfortable place you've been missing! Looks like you and your mom will have no problem keeping the suntans you acquired on the cruise this spring, while relaxing in Markley's pool - how fun! Just want you to know how much we love you, and are so proud of all your hard work. You are amazing! Love to all! Aunt Barb, Uncle Mike and family

Erika said...

My dearest Ashley,

Oh, how I miss you and your smile! I am so happy to hear how you are doing so well!!! I can't wait to see all the new things that you can do when I get home! I'll be home the 21st of July - I can't believe how fast things have gone here in Chile. We are wrapping up the semester and I have lots of finals and final projects to finish plus spending time with my friends before I have to say goodbye! Mom and Dad are coming in a couple of weeks to travel and we are hoping to go to Machu Picchu! Well, know that I love you lots and can't wait to join the Thursday night group when I get back! Thinking and praying for you, mi amiga!

Love always,

Nadine said...

Hi Ashley! We miss you so much at Saint Mary's, you have no idea. There is actually a girl a few years younger than us that we always say looks just like you! I've almost ran up to her a few times to talk to her, weird huh?! I'm so happy to see that you are doing tons better and walking around a bit! But I'm especially happy you're getting into that pool. I know how much you love swimming! I hope you have your nails freshly painted, as usual! Enjoy summer. Love you so much! And come back to see us again like you did this year!! Nadine

Anonymous said...

Hi Harringtons...

I loved this post ! I loved the way you clearly remembered how things were last summer vs. this summer at the pool...
I know with my brother, being able to compare things from one time to another helped us greatly understand that major improvements are happening and WILL continue to happen...
Just keep up with the therapies and prayers, and you will see next summer will hold new miracles...

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU.....Hope we meet next winter...( I'll be emailing you..)

Mucho Carino, (much love:)
Anna Bergnes George's sis